Б.Ариунаа: Говь ХК-ийн АНУ дахь ноолуурын онлайн дэлгүүр албан ёсоор нээгдэж байна

Говь ХК дэлхийн аль ч өнцөгт, жилийн дөрвөн улирлын ямар ч цаг агаарын нөхцөлд өмсч болохуйц олон сонголттой, нарийн хийцтэй ноолууран бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэж байна.
All Gobi cashmere products are on sale up to -70% for limited-time. Purchasing 100% cashmere garments at this price upon the chilly, cold season and right before the holiday season is a rare opportunity for sure. As we want people to buy and feel our product, for the first 500 purchases we will give 100% pure cashmere socks for free.
In terms of the production volume and target market range, yes. Today we are launching http://www.us.gobicashmere.com We already operate other online shops in different markets. http://www.gobicashmere.com is operating successfully in the European market. We have http://www.gobi.ru in Russia and http://www.taobao.gobicashmere.com. in China.
Сэтгэгдэл байхгүй байна.